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How Long Does Minoxidil Take to Work & See Results | Daniel Alain

How Long Does it Take Minoxidil to Work?
Have you been using Minoxidil for months but haven’t seen any results? Maybe you haven’t started using Minoxidil yet because you need more information? Committing to applying a topical hair loss treatment twice daily, every day, for an unforeseeable amount of time isn’t ideal, especially since we know that Minoxidil doesn’t work for everyone. Just how long does it take Minoxidil to work and start showing results?
At Daniel Alain, we cut through the noise of misleading hair loss discussions by providing you with trusted research, transparent knowledge, and helpful solutions that meet you exactly where you are with your hair loss. We know how damaging hair loss is to your confidence, and waiting around to see results on a treatment that might not help you is time you shouldn’t have to waste.
Amidst all the hair fall treatments out there, you’ve likely heard the most about Rogaine®, the most popular brand name of topical Minoxidil. But how long does Minoxidil take to regrow hair, and does it work for everyone?
Today, we’ll present the most relevant studies and clinical findings to give you the answers you need to proceed with Minoxidil or pursue other hair loss solutions.
How Does Minoxidil Work?
First, what is Minoxidil? Minoxidil is the only topical FDA-approved hair loss treatment for men and women struggling with androgenetic alopecia, also known as female or male pattern baldness. Minoxidil is a topical hair loss solution applied to the scalp with a liquid dropper or foam. As a vasodilator, Minoxidil dilates the scalp’s blood vessels to receive more growth-stimulating nutrients and oxygen.
Those who have success with Minoxidil report increased hair density, making their hair feel thicker and fuller. How does it work?
There are four stages of the hair growth cycle: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), telogen (resting), and exogen (shedding).
People with healthy, functioning hair growth cycles experience cycle repetition as cells divide and re-enter the anagen (growth) phase to produce new hairs. However, those experiencing hereditary hair loss have a progressively shortened anagen phase, which means their hair follicles miniaturize, and hair loss occurs.
Minoxidil is thought to prolong the anagen phase, otherwise shortened for people with genetic hair loss. But this doesn’t happen quickly, and determining how long it takes Minoxidil to work is impossible if you don’t know the condition of your scalp.
Because let’s face it: Minoxidil doesn’t work for everyone. How long does Minoxidil take to work for those who do see results? 6-9 months. But this is only one reason why you may not see results quickly. The other reason is that you may never see results because your scalp lacks the necessary SULT1A1 activity to convert Minoxidil into its active form.
Why Won't Minoxidil Work For Me?
Researchers figured out why Minoxidil won’t work for everyone. You need an ideal scalp environment to respond to the drug. This SULT1A1 enzyme converts Minoxidil to its active form to regrow your hair. If your scalp doesn’t have the SULT1A1 enzyme activity, Minoxidil may never work for you.
On the generous side, Minoxidil works for about 50% of men and 30-40% of women with androgenetic alopecia who have the SULT1A1 enzymes. 50/50 — that’s a pretty big gamble to take, especially when you’re waiting months for Minoxidil to show results.
Considering how long it takes Minoxidil to work, and the stress accompanying the waiting game, wouldn’t you rather have answers faster?
At Daniel Alain, we know how gut-wrenching it can be to wait for results that never come. That’s why we created a solution that removes the guesswork and gives you answers you can trust fast.
Can I be tested to see if minoxidil will work for me?
There is now a way to avoid the grueling, months-long wait time that comes with trying Minoxidil.
The Minoxidil Response Test (MRT) is Daniel Alain’s lab-based and clinically proven test that examines your hair to see if you have the enzyme activity required to respond to Minoxidil.
The process is easy and quick. All you have to do is order and register your kit. Then, you’ll follow the simple instructions for collecting a few hair samples from your scalp. You’ll send these hair samples to our certified lab, where we’ll analyze them to see if you have the SULT1A1 enzyme activity necessary to respond to Minoxidil.
Within 7-14 days, you’ll have a greater understanding if Minoxidil will work for you. The MRT is the crucial first step of your hair loss journey. With your results, you’ll feel confident proceeding with Minoxidil or exploring other solutions. No need to wait around for months for an answer!
Frequently asked questions about minoxidil
What are the Main Causes of Hair Loss?
Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as female and male pattern hair loss or hereditary hair loss, is the most prominent cause of hair loss. However, other hair loss causes include hormones, aging, stress, and medical illness such as cancer, syphilis, or traction alopecia.
What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is an FDA-approved hair loss treatment for men and women. A vasodilator, Minoxidil regrows and thickens hair in people who have the SULT1A1 enzyme activity by opening up the scalp’s blood vessels to receive oxygen and nutrients.
How long Until You See Results From Minoxidil?
If you have androgenetic alopecia and the SULT1A1 enzyme, you could see results from Minoxidil in 3-9 months.
Should You Use Minoxidil?
You might benefit from using Minoxidil if you’re experiencing hair thinning and balding from genetic hair loss and if you have the SULT1A1 enzyme scalp activity. Otherwise, Minoxidil won’t work for you. Take the Men's or Women's Minoxidil Response Test or to see if you should use Minoxidil.
What are the Side Effects of Using Minoxidil?
People who take Minoxidil might experience itching or skin rash, scalp burning, inflammation, soreness, facial hair growth, increased hair loss, and reddened or swollen face. However, side effects are minimal for most people.
If you experience any of the following side effects, you should see a doctor:
- vision issues
- rapid weight gain
- elevated heartbeat
- chest pain
- dizziness
- numbness, tingling or swelling in the extremities and legs
- fainting
- flushing
Does Minoxidil Actually Work?
Minoxidil is proven to work for some people, but not everyone. In clinical studies, 30-40% of women, and 50% of men have experienced minimal to moderate hair growth from Minoxidil. However, Minoxidil only works for people with androgenetic alopecia who also have the necessary enzyme activity on their scalp.
Does Minoxidil Thicken Hair?
Minoxidil may increase hair density for those who respond to Minoxidil, making hair feel thicker. If you notice your hair thickening after using Minoxidil, it’s a good sign that it’s working.
Do You Have to Use Minoxidil Forever?
In most cases, yes. If you cease treatment, you might experience hair loss again. While you might see results within 3-9 months, you’ll have to continue taking Minoxidil for life to continue seeing hair regrowth. Otherwise, your hair will revert to the density and thickness it was in when you first started using the treatment.
How Long Can You Use Minoxidil?
Usually, you'll see results with Minoxidil after 3 to 9 months. However, to maintain any hair growth from Minoxidil, you'll have to use the treatment regularly. Otherwise, your hair loss condition may worsen.
Will Minoxidil Ruin My Hair?
It's not likely. Initially, Minoxidil may cause shedding as a side effect, but this is usually because the treatment is shedding old hairs and sending them into the growth stage of the hair growth cycle. If the shedding last longer than two weeks, you should consult with your doctor. If you experience more severe hair damage, it is likely caused by something other than Minoxidil, like over-the-counter hair dye or other chemical products.
Who Should Not Use Minoxidil?
People without the SULT1A1 enzyme shouldn’t use Minoxidil because it won’t be effective. As a first step, take the Men's or Women's Minoxidil Response Test to find out if you have that enzyme.
According to various studies documenting no adverse effects, minoxidil is safe for children and the elderly. However, there haven’t been any studies with recorded side effects on pregnant women who take Minoxidil. Consult with your doctor if you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant before taking Minoxidil.
Does Minoxidil Work For Everyone?
No, Minoxidil only works for people with androgenetic alopecia that have the SULT1A1 scalp enzyme activity. Studies show that Minoxidil only works for 30-40% of women and 50% of men.
Why Isn't Minoxidil Working for Me?
If you don’t see results with Minoxidil, you might not have the SULT1A1 enzyme needed for it to work. Take the Men's or Women's Minoxidil Response Test to find out before waiting any longer. If you took the test and found out you have the enzyme, remember that Minoxidil still takes 3-9 months to show results.
How Do I Know if Minoxidil Will Work for Me?
The only way to know for sure if Minoxidil will work for you is to take the Men's or Women's Minoxidil Response Test. Within 7-14 days, the test tells you if you have the SULT1A1 enzyme necessary to convert Minoxidil to its active form.
How Does a Minoxidil Test Work?
The Minoxidil Response Test is easy and fast to use. First, you register and purchase a kit. Then, you collect hair samples from your scalp and mail them to us. After that, we’ll test your hair samples in a lab to see if you have the SULT1A1 enzyme activity necessary for Minoxidil to work. We’ll share your results with you in 14 days or less!
How Much Does a Minoxidil Test Cost?
The Men's or Women's Minoxidil Response Test costs $139.00 plus applicable taxes and shipping costs.
Where can i buy a minoxidil response test?