Two Problems With Hair Toppers (and How To Avoid Them)

Are you experiencing hair loss and considering a hair topper to bring back the coverage and volume you once had? Maybe you’ve always had very thin hair and recently noticed it feels finer than ever before. You might even be frustrated with the hair regrowth treatments you’ve tried thus far and are confused about where to turn next.
While some hair loss treatments work for some people, unfortunately, there’s no quick-fix hair regrowth serum guaranteed to work for everyone.
That’s where alternative hair comes in. Provided you find the right one for you, wigs and toppers are a simple solution that will give immediate results to anyone suffering from hair loss.
Here at Daniel Alain, we have spent years helping women find the right human hair Follea wig or topper for them. Helping women regain their confidence and feel like themselves again is our primary motivation, and we’re proud to be leaders in our industry. Sharing real-life hair loss experiences, providing continued education and learning, and not shying away from uncomfortable subjects have allowed us to shape a new narrative around women’s hair loss.
In this article, we will discuss two common problems people associate with wearing hair toppers and their solutions. While we certainly don’t want to deter you from purchasing a hair topper, knowing how to avoid running into these problems means you’re more likely to end up with the perfect piece for you.

What is a hair topper?
A hair topper is a partial wig that attaches to existing hair with clips or to the head with adhesives. Unlike a wig which covers the entire head, a hair topper covers only a portion of the scalp and blends naturally with the existing hair. Hair toppers come in many different base sizes that will help with many hair loss issues. From the first signs of a widening part or a thinning crown to more significant hair shedding and even bald patches. If you have strong enough existing hair around the front hairline, chances are a hair topper will cover it.
Problem #1: Hair toppers look unnatural
Let’s be honest. You know hair toppers look unnatural because you’ve seen people wearing one and you’ve noticed it. Perhaps it’s the wrong color and stands out obviously from the bio hair. Maybe the hair is too dense and thick, or maybe there's just a subtle (or not so subtle!) difference and although you can’t put your finger on it, you just know it’s not their natural hair.
While this is all likely, we’ll venture to guess you’ve also walked past plenty of people wearing a hair topper and it looked so natural you didn’t even know it was there.
It is possible to find a natural-looking hair topper.
There are some important considerations to remember before purchasing a hair topper and ways to make it look the most natural. Learning to avoid the main trouble spots will ensure that your topper blends perfectly with your existing hair and that nobody will notice it.
Synthetic Toppers vs. Human Hair Toppers
While synthetic hair toppers are a more affordable option than human hair toppers, they have some drawbacks when it comes to achieving an overall natural look. Synthetic hair fibers are typically shiner and less textured than natural human hair, and this can make them appear more artificial.
“Synthetic toppers are less natural looking than real hair,” says Patricia Wrixon, founder of The Salon at 10 Newbury in Boston, one of the most prestigious hair replacement centers in the US. “They come in a pre-set style that can feel quite heavy and doesn’t move in the same way [as real hair].”
Synthetic hair toppers can’t usually be styled with heat tools like curling irons or straighteners, which limits your styling options and can make it more difficult to blend the hairpiece with your natural hair. They also tend to have a shorter lifespan than human hair toppers, as the fibers will break down and become frizzy and tangled over time.
“Some synthetic toppers are available in a high-heat fiber, which allows you to use minimal heat for styling purposes,” says Patricia. “But the fibers will break down over time. They tend to get frizzy like the pilling on a sweater.”
Synthetic hair toppers can be a convenient and affordable solution for people experiencing hair loss, but they won’t be the best choice for people who are looking for a more natural look or who want more flexibility in styling their hairpiece.
Human hair toppers, on the other hand, have a much more realistic texture and appearance and can blend seamlessly with your existing hair. Human hair toppers have a wide range of styling options and can be cut, colored, and styled with heat tools just like your natural hair.
“Being able to customize a human hair topper is the perfect way to get the most natural look possible,” says Patricia. “They can be cut, colored, curled, or straightened just like biological hair, so they can really be manipulated to look completely realistic.”
Human hair toppers are also known for their durability. Caring for and maintaining your topper will make it last for several years, compared to a synthetic topper that typically has a much shorter lifespan of just a few months. Human hair toppers can also be washed and conditioned just like real hair, which helps to maintain their quality and appearance.
If you want the most natural look and maximum styling flexibility, a human hair topper is more likely to be the best option for you. Being able to color match your topper to your existing hair, and having it cut and shaped to blend with your preferred style means your topper will be undetectable to other people.
Problem #2: A hair topper will fall out
Here at Daniel Alain, the second main concern we hear from our customers is that their hair topper will fall out or become displaced as they move through their day, especially if they lead an active lifestyle. While we understand the concern, there are some ways to guarantee your hair topper will stay in place no matter what you’re doing.
Get Measured and Fitted for Your Hair Topper
Bonded hair toppers attach to the head with glues and tapes and often require solvents for removing them. The human hair toppers we make and sell at Daniel Alain attach to the bio hair with clips hidden on the underside of the topper base. While some methods are more time-consuming or cumbersome than others, you should have the highest expectations of a hair topper staying in place while jogging or dashing to your car on a windy day. You should even be able to go to the gym and workout in your topper.
Kelly has been wearing hair toppers for 11 years after receiving radiation therapy to treat squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment left her with thinning hair and a significant bald patch on the top of her head. “It was very difficult to lose my hair,” she explains. “I looked so different and I didn’t feel like myself.”
Kelly describes her toppers as a “gamechanger,” despite initial concerns that it wasn’t going to be secure on her head. “I have a very active life. I like to hike, jog, and go boating. I was worried at first that the topper wouldn’t hold because I have such a thin layer of hair for it to clip on to. But I soon learned to trust that it would stay in place.”
To achieve maximum security, we recommend having a consultation with an expert who is experienced in fitting wigs and toppers. At Daniel Alain, we offer in-person consultations in our showroom in southern California, or virtually via Zoom or Facetime. Alternatively, you can use the locator to find a retailer in your area.
Any consultation will involve taking measurements and you will want to make sure the base of the topper adequately covers your hair loss. Hair loss looks different on everyone and there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to hair toppers. When it comes to finding the right topper for you, you will want to make sure you’re solving the problems that are unique to your hair loss situation.
You can order one of our Fit Kits through a consultation with the team at Daniel Alain. After discussing your hair loss concerns and taking measurements, our consultants can send you a Fit Kit that includes hair samples (so you can examine the color, length, and texture) and base sizes to help you determine the right size for you. You can keep your Fit Kit for seven days, and we encourage you to wear them around the house while checking for coverage and security.
It's normal to feel worried about your hair topper falling out, but with proper measurements and an accurate fit, you should enjoy a comfortable and worry-free experience wearing one. Your hair loss may be holding you back from living life to the max, but wearing the right topper will give you confidence and an extra spring in your step.
Is a human hair topper right for me?
If you have been researching hair toppers for hair loss, you might be concerned about some problems you could face when wearing one. If you feel uncomfortable about how your hair looks, the last thing you want to do is draw further attention to the issue by wearing a hair topper that doesn't look natural or falls out.
Fortunately, human hair toppers can look so natural that nobody will know you are wearing one unless you decide to tell them. While the decision to wear a topper is yours alone, reading more about whether human hair toppers are worth the cost, will help you decide whether they’re the right choice for you.
If you would like to know more about the Follea human hair toppers by Daniel Alain, we are ready to help you navigate your own hair loss experience. We know hair loss can be a tough situation that can make you feel low. Booking a consultation with one of our experienced consultants will help you on your first steps toward feeling more like yourself.