Why is My Hair Shedding More Than Usual? How to Stop Seasonal Hair Fall?

How to Stop Seasonal Hair Fall?
Seasonal change is in the air. Golden and red leaves fall and a crisp chill welcomes cinnamon spice and everything nice. With the exception of one thing: seasonal hair shedding. The transition from summer to fall might be a feast for the eyes, but it’s not a treat for our hair. Ever wondered why excessive hair shedding falls with the leaves come autumn?
As cooler temps make our skin dry and crack, does the change in weather also invite seasonal hair shedding? Experts say yes.
In a 6-year biochemical investigation, researchers studied hair samples from hundreds of women under a microscope. The verdict? Hair shedding happens more excessively during summer and fall months.
Bottom line: seasonal hair shedding is a real concern. Experiencing excessive shedding? Cozy up with your favorite frothy beverage as we pull back the curtain on seasonal hair shedding and how to stop it.
While spring might’ve produced a healthy crop of new hair, by autumn you’re likely noticing more clumps in the shower and excessive shedding. There’s something about this time of year that spooks our strands away. What gives? Millions of people wondered the same thing and took to the internet for answers. An analysis of a series of search terms on Google Trends revealed a striking parallel:
The months when people searched for answers about hair loss directly matched the months of seasonal hair shedding. Coincidence? Considering the survey studied 12 years of data, likely not.
We’ve established it’s a concern for millions of women, but why is it happening?
Hair is made of keratin, which are protein cells. While hair strands are technically lifeless, the follicles are abundant cells full of biochemical activity that regulate the hair growth cycle. Within the cycle are four phases: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen. At any given point strands are in a different phase.
When summer fades and we transition into fall, hairs enter the Telogen (shedding) Phase. What is it about fall that sends our strands shedding in every direction?
“Seasonal hair shedding is a major issue. If you already have a dry scalp, cold weather exasperates the issue,”
said leading hair plant surgeon Dr. Alan Bauman.
Is the cold weather the only cause for seasonal shedding? Let’s find out.
Several variables contribute to seasonal hair loss, including:
Summer Heat
The heat of summer marks the beginning of seasonal hair shedding. Why? There’s no clear cut answer yet. Scientists theorize that summer shedding is an evolutionary response. Our primal instincts are synced to the weather each season brings. During winter, we need the warmth from a full head of hair just like animals need fur. During summertime, our hairs shed due to stifling heat. If summer catalyzes excessive shedding, why does it continue through fall?
Vitamin D Deficiency
As fall unfolds the path toward winter you may notice more breakage, dryness and hair shedding. Sun rays beam down and soak us in glorious Vitamin D, but what happens when the weather turns? There may be a link between Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss.
As temperatures drop, we tend to hibernate inside. Nothing’s as cozy as curling up with a good book by the heat of a crackling fire, right? Throw a cup of hot cocoa in the mix and you’ve officially entered fall mode. Yet Vitamin D is a vital nutrient to hair health for good reason: our follicles crave it.
A 2018 study examined the role vitamins play in hair loss and growth. Researchers assert that Vitamin D regulates the growth of the cells that produce keratin, the fibrous protein our hair is made of. The takeaway?
If you find yourself cooped up during the colder months, add a Vitamin D supplement to your morning routine or pop outside for a 15-minute shot of sunshine.
The Shedding Phase
Summer ignites the “shedding” phase: a 3-month period where hair growth becomes a lonely tumbleweed rolling in the wind. The end of summer marks the transition into the Telogen Phase, the resting phase where excessive shedding occurs. Fortunately, this shedding period is short-lived.
Seasonal hair shedding generally lasts 2-3 months. It begins in summer, heightens in fall and can linger around through winter. During wintertime, Telogen levels are the lowest as growth slowly begins again. Hello, spring!
Spring is a time of rejuvenation; flowers bloom, moisture returns to the air and with it, hair grows again. Just as fall represents transformation, spring blossoms renewal and regeneration. Come springtime, your hair gets a chance to start fresh. Hair resumes its scheduled programming and enters the Anagen Phase, the period where hair is actively growing.
And while the growth is a welcome sight, it’s important to remember that seasonal shedding recurs in intervals every year. Just as a garden needs water to grow, our hair needs effective solutions to stop seasonal hair fall.
What is the best hair shedding treatment? Glad you asked.
INTACT 5 is clinically-proven to reduce hair shedding by securing hair at the root, in just 5 minutes. The result? Protection from seasonal hair loss, a healthy and hydrated scalp, and significantly less shedding. Even when the chill of winter sets in, INTACT 5 works to nourish and hydrate the scalp and reduce hair shedding.
Take it from the expert, Dr. Bauman, who has treated over 30,000 hair loss patients:
“Right now there’s nothing else on the market comparable to INTACT 5 that people can use in their own homes. Expect far less shedding and enjoy fuller hair.”
Time to ditch seasonal hair fall, enjoy the fruits of autumn and fall into fuller hair with INTACT 5.