How Should I Wear My Hair While Wearing a Wig?

Wearing a wig, just like experiencing hair loss, is a very personal experience. By having total control over what color, length, and style your hair is, it’s easy to add your personality to your wig. No two wig wearers are the same. Some wig wearers have experienced total hair loss, while others have some, if not all, of their biological hair.
At Daniel Alain, we have guided hundreds of customers to the right wig for them. We offer wigs for customers who are experiencing any degree of hair loss. Often, our customers who still have biological hair, ask us whether it’s better for them to wear their natural hair down and blend it in with their wig or to tie their hair up and tuck it under their wig.
To be completely transparent, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question. In this article, we’re going to explain the pros and cons of each way of wearing your natural hair. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to decide how you’d like to wear your biological hair with your wig.

Wearing Your Hair Down
Wearing your hair down while wearing a wig basically means that you keep your biological hair visible but blend it in with your wig to create a seamless look.
If you choose to wear your hair down under your wig, and your natural hair matches your wig’s hair, you will have less styling to do. Wearing your bio hair down can also create a fuller look and using a rat tail comb to pull some strands of natural hair forward will help the wig blend natural around the face.
However, if you have curly hair or your natural hair color is different from your wig’s color, it may be more difficult to get away with a seamless look. Or, you’ll have to spend more time styling either your bio hair, your wig, or both. Additionally, wearing your hair down can feel warmer on your neck, especially in the summer.
Wearing Your Hair Up
When you hear the phrase “wearing your hair up” you may visualize pulling your hair into, pigtails, ponytail or bun, perhaps on the top of your head. Wearing your hair up under a wig is different from this. If you wear your hair up under a wig, you are creating a style that will allow you to tuck your hair under the wig cap.
Wearing your bio hair up can take some heat off your neck, especially in the summer months. It can also ensure a seamless look, without needing to style your bio hair or worry about whether the color of your natural hair and the wig match up.
Depending on how much bio hair you have and how you choose to style your hair to be tucked up, your usual styling routine may get longer. Further, if you have a lot of biological hair, it could create unnatural-looking bumps or you may feel like you have to wear your wig incorrectly in order to fully conceal your natural hair.
Daniel Alain customer Kelly, has mastered the technique of hiding her long hair under her wig to ensure a smooth look, by tying her hair into pigtails that she twists into flat buns beneath her wig. And our consultant Tracy recommends making a 'flat cinnamon roll' with long hair to prevent visible lumps and bumps.
Consider Comfort and Confidence When Deciding How to Wear Your Hair
After reading this article, you may be wondering: so how should I wear my hair with my wig? The answer to this question depends primarily on what will make you feel the most comfortable and confident.
You should consider wearing your hair up if you…
- Have a natural hair texture or color that differs from your wig
- Want less hair on your neck
You should consider keeping your hair down if you…
- Want a fuller look
- Don’t want to add to your styling routine
If you’re still not sure, give each a try and see which feels better. After all, you’re the one who will be wearing your wig and wants to make sure you feel like your best self.
Now that you have a better understanding of how to wear your natural hair with a wig, you may want to consider investing in a high-quality human hair wig. Daniel Alain offers an array of wigs designed to meet the needs of any customer. If you’re interested in learning more about what Daniel Alain has to offer, book a consultation to speak with one of our expert consultants who can guide you to the right hairpiece for you.