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The Journey of Hair Loss

May 30th, 2022 | 7 min. read

The Journey of Hair Loss

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For most people, hair loss doesn’t happen all at once or overnight. Typically, it’s a gradual process that may appear innocuous at first. You may not notice bald patches immediately. Instead, you may notice your hair feels thinner, or maybe you’re seeing more breakage. While you may not notice hair loss at first, when you notice it, it may become the thing you notice the most. While experiencing hair loss is stressful, it’s a fairly common condition. This may not seem comforting at first. However, because it is so common, there are treatments and solutions available to help you combat hair loss.


Though hair loss may be fairly common, no two hair loss stories are the same. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to hair loss. At Daniel Alain, we know that hair loss can trigger uncomfortable emotions. When you don’t know what options are available, you may start to feel helpless or nervous. 


In this article, we’re going to outline parts of the hair loss journey. Of course, not everyone who experiences hair loss will go through each stage. In each part, we will offer a potential solution or an aid that can help you in this part of the hair loss journey. 

Women's Hair Loss Causes and Treatments | Daniel Alain


Excessive Hair Shedding


One of the first signs of hair loss is excessive hair shedding. While this may not always indicate an underlying hair loss issue, hair shedding can be just as stressful, especially if you’re unsure what is causing the excessive hair fall. Typically, hair shedding is a reversible condition that differs from actual hair loss. Shedding is often caused by outside factors such as stress, medication changes, or even the weather. People in this stage may or may experience hair loss. The issue may also resolve itself with time or lifestyle adjustments, such as eating a well-balanced diet. 


If you’re experiencing excessive hair shedding, you may consider using anti-shedding treatments such as INTACT. If you want to retain the hair that you have, INTACT is an excellent option that works by securing hair at the root and strengthening it against high-shedding activities such as brushing and styling. You may also consider adding in a product that can treat other issues that contribute to hair fall. 


Stages of Hair Loss 


If you are experiencing hair loss, you may experience partial or total loss, depending on the cause. 

The First Signs of Hair Loss



At the first signs of hair loss, you may notice your hairline receding or a widening part. You can get tested for a hair loss condition. If you are diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, Finasteride or Minoxidil could be options to regrow your hair. However, if you decided to proceed with Minoxidil treatments, it’s important to note that while Minoxidil is FDA-approved to treat androgenetic alopecia, it will not work for everyone. 


To respond to Minoxidil treatments, you need a sufficient amount of the SULT1A1 enzyme to convert Minoxidil into its active form. If you’re wondering whether you have enough of this enzyme, consider ordering the Minoxidil Response Test to help you decide whether you should proceed with Minoxidil treatments. 


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Moderate Hair Loss


Hair loss can progress slowly. You may notice that your hair appears more diffused or may even notice small bald patches. While you may not notice a ton of loss, it may still be noticeable. Even if you can hide it with a different hairstyle, you may grow tired of constantly checking your hair to make sure any problem spots are concealed. One option for those with strong biological hair remaining is to invest in a topper. 


A topper provides partial coverage and is easy to blend with existing biological hair. Choosing a topper depends on how much loss you have and what your hair is currently like. If you’re looking for guidance on choosing a topper or wondering if a topper is for you, you can book a consultation to speak with an expert who can guide you to the best topper for your needs. 


Overall or Total Hair Loss


Sometimes, hair loss can result in overall or total loss. Total loss is often associated with alopecia areata or chemotherapy but can result from other conditions. Some individuals choose to embrace a bald look. Others may not feel comfortable doing it. You may also experience overall loss but still have some of your biological hair left. It may be very thin and fine. If you’re experiencing overall or total loss, a wig is an option that provides full coverage. 


Finding the right wig can prove to be a challenge, especially if you’re unfamiliar with wig-buying terms. We offer an eBook designed to give you all the information you need to find the perfect wig for you. Additionally, our empathetic consultants are ready to answer any questions and go on the journey to finding your dream hair with you. We offer private consultations, both virtually and in person to help you find the hair you need to be the most confident version of yourself. 


Deciding How to Cope With Hair Loss


When it comes to hair loss, no two hair loss stories are the same and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, after reading this article, you now have a better idea of where you might be in your hair loss journey. Hair loss can throw you off. You may not feel like yourself. Hair loss can leave you feeling out of control. But finding a solution that will work for you can give you back that sense of control. 


At Daniel Alain, we believe that education can ease some anxiety you may be feeling about your hair loss. Reading about what might be causing loss or shedding may give you a better idea about what you are dealing with. While hair loss can feel isolating, you don’t have to go on your hair journey alone. If you want an empathetic guide who will be able to point you in the right direction after listening to your story and your needs, book a consultation with one of our specialists and take a step toward the new you.