Kat Rendon
March 18th, 2022
It can be frustrating to experience an issue with a product, especially if it’s new or if you’ve spent a lot of money on it. At Daniel Alain, we sell human hair wigs and we want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase for weeks and years to come. We also believe in transparency and responding to feedback or concerns from our customers to better serve you and help troubleshoot any issues you may have.
Kat Rendon
March 16th, 2022
After searching, ordering, and waiting you’ve finally received your Daniel Alain human hair wig or topper. You put it on and something’s not quite right. Maybe you got the wrong size. Maybe you don’t love the color as much as you thought you would. Suddenly, your excitement becomes concern mixed with disappointment. You’ve already paid for the piece and now you don’t love it. What are your options?
Christina Lyon
March 15th, 2022
Do blondes really have more fun? With gorgeous, hair-flippin’ locks, we say yes! But getting that coveted honey glow isn’t always easy with your natural hair. Blonde is a versatile, bright color with various shades and tints — from red-tinted strawberry blonde to rich, creamy caramel blonde. Legend has it that Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in Ancient Greece, had long, blonde hair with a strawberry tinge. Can you get that same look? You can with blonde wigs!
Kat Rendon
March 14th, 2022
The world of wig buying is filled with words that may be unfamiliar to you. Sometimes, searching for a simple explanation of these terms can be frustrating. Instead of a straightforward answer, companies try to sell you something by giving you a vague idea of what a term means, leaving you confused and discouraged. You’re just trying to find simple answers to simple questions.
Kat Rendon
March 11th, 2022
When you enter the world of wig buying, you may feel like you’re learning to speak another language. There are so many terms thrown around. You might recognize some terms but not fully comprehend what they mean. At Daniel Alain, we know how important it is to educate yourself before making a major decision. That’s why we’ve decided to highlight major terms, define them, and help you better understand different parts of the wig. This will help you make a more educated decision and feel more confident in your ability to choose which wig is best for your needs.
Kat Rendon
March 7th, 2022
Finding your dream hair is exciting. Finding out the cost isn’t. Financial investments should not be taken lightly. While an investment may have a high initial cost, the long-term results make up for the high cost. Just as buying a wig can be stressful, so can figuring out how to pay for it.
Kat Rendon
March 4th, 2022
The world of wig-buying is filled with a seemingly endless array of options to choose from. Not only do you need to choose which color, length, or style is best for you, you also need to decide which type of wig to buy. There are two basic types of wigs: human hair wigs and synthetic wigs.
Kat Rendon
February 25th, 2022
When you start losing hair, you feel overwhelmed and confused about what to do. With so many options in the world of alternative hair, you may not know where to begin. You want to find the solution that works for you as quickly as possible, while still making the most informed decision possible. In addition to wigs, which are the most popular alternative hair option, there are hair toppers, commonly shortened as toppers, which are smaller pieces that provide partial coverage.
Kat Rendon
February 23rd, 2022
Your hair is part of who you are. It's directly tied to your identity. When you start losing your hair, no matter the cause, you might feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself. Accepting your hair loss is a huge step toward finding a solution that works for you. If you decide to explore the world of wig buying, you may feel an array of emotions that range from excitement to defeat. Finding the right wig can be difficult when you’re bombarded by so much information on different kinds of wigs, caps, and hair, among other things. With so many options, it can be hard to feel like you’re making the right decision.
Kat Rendon
February 21st, 2022
When looking for which wig to buy, you want a straightforward, honest answer from a real customer. So often, review sections are flooded with misleading reviews that only focus on the benefits of a product. On the flip side, some reviews focus on one tiny aspect of the product and rate it one star without providing an objective overview. If you’re going to be investing in a wig, you want to know you’re making the right decision.